Monday, September 6, 2010

Doing it all?

I got up really early today so I could catch up with the blogs, the readings and the course overall before work. Hmmm. Have I achieved my target?  No way.  So I'm sitting here, frustrated, wanting to read what all the other participants have written, and there are some great titles, and have to get ready for work and yes, I'm behind schedule.

My tardiness and inability to keep up with the course material has given me much to ponder. I'm realising that I not only can"t have it all, I can't do it all!!


  1. I think what you are saying is a really important point with the online world - there is far too much to with. The trick is to work out what you want to follow and then give yourself permission to leave the rest. You don't go into a library and stress about all the books you'll never read...the same applies to the online world of learning :)

  2. I think what you are saying is a really important point with the online world - there is far too much to with. The trick is to work out what you want to follow and then give yourself permission to leave the rest. You don't go into a library and stress about all the books you'll never read...the same applies to the online world of learning :)

  3. Thanks for your kind comment Sarah. You know what? Sometimes I do look at all the books and feel regret that there is so much in life to explore and I can only do a small amount of it - I figure I need multiple lifetimes to accomplish all I want to do :-) I've got my five year plans laid out in front of me for the next 50 years - given I'm 62 I figure that's important, otherwise my telomeres won't know they have to keep vibrant and replicating well!
